PDF BookThe Project Manager MBA How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success

Read The Project Manager MBA How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success

Read The Project Manager MBA How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success

Read The Project Manager MBA How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success

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Read The Project Manager MBA How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success

Project managers are no longer judged by the technical success of their projects alone. They're also held accountable for their contributions to the company's financial goals. Yet most project managers don't have the business knowledge necessary to make project-based decisions that lead to bottom-line success. In this book, Dennis Cohen and Robert Graham, both former university professors and experienced project management consultants, provide the skills that, until now, could only be gained through a graduate degree and years of hands-on experience. Cohen and Graham walk project managers through basic business concepts such as value creation, accounting and finance, strategy, and marketing. They connect these concepts to the decisions project managers face every day. And they make it easy to apply the resulting solutions on the job through a unique business systems calculator. Readers can use the online calculator in conjunction with the book to understand how different project variables affect business outcomes, to determine the overall impact of proposed project changes, and to evaluate the economic results of many decisions they make. Cohen and Graham's principles apply equally to projects in business, non-profit, and government organizations. And each one is illustrated through case studies drawn from a range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, the technology sector, even the winemaking business. Whether the mandate is to get new products to market, improve the infrastructure, or better serve customers and clients, this book teaches project managers how to make day-to-day decisions from an upper-management perspective. And it provides a blueprint for planning and pitching potential projects that demonstrates a higher level of business savvy. Online MBA Program - No GMAT Accredited MBA Degree Looking for an accredited online MBA program? You can finish Franklin's MBA in just 14 months with no GMAT requirement if you meet certain standards. ... Stand out from the crowd with our globally recognized MBA ... Why is the oath important to you? The MBA Oath In the comment box below please share your feelings about the MBA Oath and why it is meaningful to you. We want to provide an outlet for signers of the oath to ... I pledge to follow the MBA Oath just as I have ... MBA Deakin Deakin's MBA is one of Australias most highly regarded MBA programs. Renowned for its flexibility and real-world connections to business this internationally accredited program is designed for busy professionals ... MBA Salary Guide MBA Average Salary Information Considering an MBA but not sure its worth the time and tuition cost? The financial odds are in your favor. The median starting salary for business school graduates in the U.S. hit $100000 for the first time in ... Master of Business Administration (MBA) VIU Master of Business Administration program provides students with a high quality professional education qualifying them for diverse career opportunities. ... Prerequisite: None This course focuses on the analysis and ... EVMI Earned Value Management Institute Global Leader In EVM ... I was looking for a quick and effective way to learn more about Earned Value Management (EVM) and I did not want to incur any additional cost such as travel hotel and per diem so I enrolled in the online EVMP ... Programs - Regis Ateneo Graduate School of Business The Ateneo-Regis MBA Program Curriculum. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Ateneo-Regis MBA Program is a non-thesis program designed for senior managers and executives whose corporate responsibilities limit their time for ... Feature Article: An Integral Approach to Project Management Projects are an important management approach to improving organisational effectiveness. This paper describes how project management can contribute to achievement of an organisations strategy and sustainable ... MBA Standard Program - Ateneo Graduate School of Business Course Descriptions. Pre-MBA Courses. Business Communication (SPBUSCOM) The course studies the concepts principles strategies and procedures for expressing ideas positions and values cogently and convincingly ... Management Systems International - MSI Worldwide Management Systems International (MSI) a Tetra Tech company is a US-based international development firm that specializes in designing implementing and evaluating donor-funded programs supporting good governance ...
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